For protection, We recomend to apply a car wax, and experts recommend that this be done at least every three months. However, there are varieties of wax that can be used much more frequently. If you're really obsessive, some can be used as often as every few days or once a week.

Normally, the newer liquid or paste waxes provide the longest-lasting protection — usually three or four months if the car is kept in a garage and not exposed to a harsh environment.

When applying a liquid or paste wax, you'll use the same technique: small, circular, overlapping strokes, using a microfiber-covered or foam applicator pad and working one section of the vehicle at a time. As in the other steps, remove the wax with a microfiber towel that you've folded into fourths, using one side to break the waxy surface, then flipping the towel over to a clean side to remove any additional residue.

Do you need more information about our product feel free to contact us during business hours (310)538-0918

5 Gallons Wax....................$40.00 Code # 9040 5 Gallons Wax.....................$40.00 Code # 9050 5 Gallons Wax.....................$40.00 Code # 9060 5 Gallons Wax.....................$40.00 Code # D-9070


5 Gallons Wax ....................$65.00
Code # 2080-D
1 Gallons Wax ....................$0.00
Code # 2060
1 Gallons Wax ....................$0.00
1 Gallons Wax ......................$0.00 Code # 9050
1 Gallons Wax .....................$0.00 Code # 9060
1 Gallons Wax.....................$25.00 Code # D-FP-089
1 Gallons Wax.....................$25.00 Code # D-FP-082 1 Gallons Wax.....................$25.00 Code # D-FP-079


1 Gallons ...........................$30.00 Code # D-FP-090-1
1 Gallons Wax.....................$30.00 Code # D-FP-076

1 Gallons Sealant.................$30.00 Code # 5050


1 Bottle...............................$20.00 Code # 5060